Student Registration
Welcome to Suffield and we look forward to your family joining our educational community!
To register a student for Suffield Public Schools, the student's parent or guardian must complete the Online Registration by clicking one of the Online Registration buttons below. Proof of residency must be provided and can be uploaded in the online registration. Below are the acceptable documents for proving residency.
Proof of Residence (use one of the following three choices)
- Contract with closing date (within 60 days of registration); after closing must provide proof of
residency in the form of a utility bill - Copy of a valid lease agreement for your rental home/apartment in Suffield*
- Copy of an active utility bill (electric, water, oil/natural gas, cable, or land line phone) in your name and showing services provided for your Suffield house/apartment* (a cell phone bill will not be accepted)
* For any incoming Agriscience students who live out of district, you must still provide proof of residency for your home town. Proof of residency can be any of the options listed above.
Online Registration
Registration Materials
Please call Suffield Board of Education Central Office at 860-668-3800 if you have questions.